A vital process that ensures on-time, accurate employee payments in compliance with regulations, while also supporting employee welfare and productivity..
Our services include:
• Payroll Implementation
We help clients manage employee payroll processes, as well as company and employee BPJS registration.
• Payroll Calculation
We help to collect income data and salary deductions, timesheets, and monthly payslips subject to tax withholding, as well as calculating income and deductions, employee income tax, and BPJS contributions.
• Payment Report
We provide payroll slip preparation and distribution services for employees.

• Financial Report
Preparation of Financial Reports (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Changes in Equity, and Cash Flow).
• Reporting and Compliance
Preparation of Financial Reports according to the Guidelines for Financial Accounting Standards (Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan).
• Online Accounting Software
Assisting in using accounting softwares for faster and accurate company bookkeeping.

• Tax Consultation
Consultation regarding taxation for business and personal, including calculations and reporting.
• Tax Planning
Planning and optimization of tax benefits in accordance to the current regulations.
• Tax Compliance
Tax review for accurate payment and reporting of Monthly and Annual Tax Returns in accordance to the current regulations.
• Tax Litigation
Providing tax documents and consultations to assist in the audit, objection and appeal process.

Due Diligence
An in-depth auditing of a company's financial reports and operational performance for mergers, acquisitions, and significant business transactions.